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The 2003 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets movie calendar contents
Monday, August 5, 2002
We've received reports of the contents of the upcoming 2003 Harry
Potter and the Chamber of Secrets calendar. Pre-order yours here!
Cover- Dobby Telling Harry to not go back to Hogwarts.
Inside Front Cover- A picture of Hogwarts.
January-Gilderoy Lockhart and Harry getting their picture taken at Flourish and Blott's.
February- Ron and Harry getting smashed into the Whomping Willow in the Ford Angelina.
March- Harry, Ron, and Hermione unearthing the Mandrakes.
April-Gilderoy Lockhart's room full of unleashed pixes.
May- Harry catching the snitch at a Quidditch match.
June- Dobby and Harry in the Hospital Wing While harry is growing his bones back.
July- The dueling Club when the snake comes out of Malfoy's wand.
August- Harry, Hermione, Ron making the polyjuice potion.
September- Harry, Ron and Arogog.
October- Tom Riddle in the chamber of secrets.
November- Harry Fighting the Giant snake with Godric Gryffindor's Sword form the sorting
December- Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Hagrid singing Christmas carols.
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